How to Navigate
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How to Navigate

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Article summary

The New Customer Onboarding (NCO) has five main navigations. They are:

  • Dashboard
  • New Customer
  • Contact
  • Import
  • Export

1. Dashboard

The first landing page of the NCO is the 'Dashboard' main navigation. It includes 'Tiles,' 'Workflow,' 'Donut Chart,' and 'Trend' of the new customers tracked in Zenople. Users can view the completed and remaining task status represented by the donut chart.

2. New Customer

Clicking on 'New Customer' redirects to the 'New Customer' directory page that contains the detail of the information of new customers. It allows users to filter the new customers and allows users to redirect to the customer's detail page.

3. Contact

Clicking on 'Contact' redirects users to the 'Contact' page. This screen shows the contact detail of the new customer.

4. Import

Clicking on 'Import' redirects users to the 'Import' page. Users can import the new customer's records as per their requirements.

5. Export

Clicking on 'Export' redirects users to the 'Export' page. Users can export the new customer's records as per their requirements.

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