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Article summary

The Contact Portal is a multifunctional platform with four main bottom navigations: Jobs, Timesheet, Task, and More.

  • Jobs: The landing page displays job details in card view, allowing users to search and access specific job information. Additional options include Assignment and Candidate details.
  • Timesheet: Users can view and manage transactions with filtering options for different statuses. Detailed transaction information, including time entries, is available in the card view.
  • Task: The Task section provides insights into assigned tasks, allowing users to navigate through tasks, mark them as completed, and view a task roadmap.
  • More: The More section includes Invoice and Settings. In Invoice History, users can view and download invoices, while Settings offer control over language, dark mode, company switching, account deletion, and notification preferences.

The Contact Portal streamlines job-related activities, timesheet transactions, tasks, and additional functionalities in an organized and user-friendly manner.

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