Common Features
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Common Features

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Article summary

Common Features for Person, Organization, Job, and Assignment Applications:

The following are common features for ATS, NHO, EIS, LTS, SPM, NCO, CMS, TJM, AMS, and JCM. 

Display of Skill and job position-optimized

‘Skill’ is now displayed in Person Applications (ATS, NHO, EIS) only, and ‘Job Positions’ are shown in Organization applications (LTS, SPM, NCO, CMS, TJM, AMS, JCM) whereas ‘Skill and Job Position’ are displayed in both the applications. 

Features added to Global Search:

The following features have been added to Global Search:

Implementation of Desired Rate Range in Global Search Person Additional Info Parameter:

Users will now be able to enter "Desired Rate From" and "Desired Rate To" in the Person Additional Info parameter instead of only the desired rate. This feature allows users to get a list of persons falling under a specified desired rate range.

Features added to Texting

The following features have been added to Texting in Zenople:

Feature added: A filter for scheduled texts.

After composing a scheduled text, now we can filter “show” and “hide” scheduled texts from the filter option available in the Texting feature of Zenople.