Archival of Work History, Transaction History, Pay History, and Invoice History
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Archival of Work History, Transaction History, Pay History, and Invoice History

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Article summary

Archival of Work History, Transaction History, Pay History, and Invoice History

A new background process that will be done On Demand for the Archival of Work History, Transaction History, Pay History, and Invoice History on the following navigations is introduced:

  • Customer>History>Invoice History
  • Customer>History>Transaction History
  • Employee>History>Pay History
  • Employee>History>Work History

Changes in Customer> History> Invoice History

For the Archived Invoices following changes will be displayed:

  • All the Inline actions related to Invoice history will be disabled.

  • Invoice PDF will not be displayed for Archived Invoice.
  • In the case of multiple actions of Invoice PDF, only the non-archived data is displayed.

Changes in Customer> History> Transaction History

For the archive Transactions, the following changes are displayed:

  • All the inline actions associated with Transaction History will be disabled.

Changes in Employee > History> Pay History:

For archived Payments, the following changes are displayed: 

  • Expanded details of Pay History are displayed in the case of Archived Documents as well. 
  • The Inline Actions Associated with Pay History are blocked. 

Changes in Employee> History> Work History 

For archived Work History, changes as follows are displayed in the navigation: 

  • All the inline actions associated with Archived details will be blocked. 

Changes in IMS:

The following changes are available in IMS: 

  • The Archived Invoice Number is searchable and available in a grid with inline actions restricted. 

Changes in PAS:

The following changes are available in PAS: 

  • The Archived Check number is searchable and available in the grid with inline actions restricted.