Overall Common Features
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Overall Common Features

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Overall Common Features:

The following are Overall Common Features in Zenople by Aqore:

Dynamic "Relates To" Options in Comment Box for Mass Commenting

This feature introduces dynamic "Relates To" options in the comment box when mass commenting across various entities like Assignment, Contact, Job Candidate, and Temp Job. The current setup provides static options, leading to inefficiencies when irrelevant options are displayed. The aim is to streamline the process by tailoring the available "Relates To" options based on the specific entity type being commented on, thereby enhancing user efficiency and ensuring relevant associations.

The “Relates To” is dynamically updated for the comment following the following logic:

For Assignments, the corresponding customer, job and person are tagged.

For Job Candidates, the corresponding Organization, Job and Person are tagged.

For Temp Jobs and contacts, the corresponding Organization is tagged along with the job or contact.

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