Invoice Management System (IMS)
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Invoice Management System (IMS)

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Article summary

Features Added on IMS

The features added on IMS are:

Sales Tax Logic for Bill-Only Transaction 

The Application did not previously handle Sales Tax as the logic did not consider State names during calculation. Now, the updated logic considers State Name and therefore handles the sales tax for Bill-only transactions too. Since the payment side (actual payment + Employer Taxes + WC Cost) is not involved in Bill-only transactions, the Gross profit is just the Bill amount and therefore handles sales tax accordingly.

Toggle Button Added in Invoice History Side Navigation  

A new toggle button has been implemented in the Invoice History side navigation so that users can filter the pending invoices. By default, the toggle remains inactive and will show all invoice history. While the toggle is active, only the invoices left for payment get shown.

Invoice Attachment File Naming Convention Changed

While sending invoice emails, users can see the invoice report name along with the batch ID. Now, the naming convention has been slightly changed.

Naming convention before update: OrganizationName- “Invoice” -Invoicebatchid.pdf

Naming convention after update: OrganizationName-InvoiceNumber-Invoicedate.pdf