Release Notes
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Release Notes

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Article summary


The purpose of the release note document is to notify the end-users that the following items are implemented in the live environment successfully.

  1. New feature
  2. Enhancement/ changes in an existing feature
  3. Bug fixes
  4. Known issues and problems: mention issue on the below tables will be fixed in the next release cycle
  5. Acknowledgment: mention items in this section should implement by the end-user after Live

 The below tables show the published version of a system, application published URL, and testing performed for Live.

Document Date07/16/2021
Release Version21.4.0
Testing PerformedFunctional/ Regression


The below table lists the new features/ enhancement that was implemented in Live:


Employee Information System (EIS)

1.1 Eye view has been implemented in work history

1.2 Primary contact info has been implemented

1.3. Primary address info has been implemented

1.4 Toggle switch button in Assignment will be saved based on the user

1.5 Future assignments will be displayed in the current toggle button

1.6 Employer and Employee type field from the Employee Info can be updated

1.7 Replace Card has been implemented

1.8 Parsed Resume has been implemented on the EIS snapshot page

1.9 Unemployment internal navigation has been implemented

Customer Management System (CMS)

2.1 Extra1,2,3,4 fields value and PO box number can now be updated for job and transaction directly.

2.2 Option property to Edit 'ServiceProfileEmailInvoiceTo' has been implemented

2.3 Customer's custom navigation information to be displayed on the Job snapshot page has been implemented

2.4 Edit Assignment bill rates have been implemented

2.5 OT/ DT rate multiplier has been administered by option property on a personal level

2.6 Add/ edit office In Contact Form

2.7 Extra Label values have been displayed on Separate and Group Invoice by dropdown field

2.8 Preview override values before saving have been implemented

2.9 Contact can be allowed to view multiple invoices

2.10 Job: Improvising functionality of toggle button

2.11 Allow editing name of markup when in use

Assignment Management System (AMS)

3.1 Audit log report has been implemented

3.2 Assignment report has been implemented on the favorite icon

3.3 Shift information has been added to the Assignment snapshot

Temp Job Management (TJM)

4.1 Job note has been implemented

4.2 Eye View has been implemented

4.3 Assignment report has been added on the favorite icon

4.4 Screening question and resume options have been added

4.5 'Candidate' column has been added to the directory page

4.6 Change job status based on option property

Time Management System (TMS)

5.1 User should be able to select transaction item while copying the transaction

5.2 Transaction link tab has been added while expanding transactions on TMS

5.3 Extra field columns have been added while creating transaction

5.4 'ToBeOpen' status in Accounting Period is displayed on the Timesheet Accounting period list

5.5 Added warning message while deleting the transaction of the timeclock

6. PAS (Payroll Administrative System)

6.1 Rapid pay fund transfer from the company's account to the employee's account has been implemented

Invoice Management System (IMS)

7.1 Office column has been added on Transaction navigation

Account Receivable System (ARS)

8.2 Invoice payment can be checked on bulk

8.2 Merged invoice list is displayed on Invoice Payment

9. AIS (Accounting Information System)

9.1 Description column has been implemented

Report Management System (RMS)

10.1 Grouping Sort Order option has been implemented for report columns

10.2 Sort order 1 and sort order 2 parameters have been implemented on the Paycheck report

10.3 Column 'Submitted By' added in transaction current table of Daily Time report

11. WIM (Work Injury Management)

11.1 Separate column for Date and time

Unemployment Management System (UMS)

12.1 'Sort order' has been implemented in charge details

12.2 Claim date column has been implemented on a directory

Admin Tool Management (ATM)

13.1 Option property 'Default Invoice Delivery' has been added

13.2 Month option has been added under accrual rate dropdown

13.3 Update/ change confirmation page photo

13.4 Utility report has been added as a report type

13.5 List Item External navigation has been added

13.6 Report Logo option has been implemented

13.7 Audit log report has been implemented in Tax rate navigation

13.8 Navigation Access UI has been administered

13.9 Credential manager has been implemented

13.10 Managing the file format from option property

Employee Portal

14.1 Removed company, office, and status from Employee/new hire info in My

profile navigation

14.2 Improvising Portal's Handbook Navigation


15.1 Organization and Department have been added

New hire/Employee portal

16.1 Removed fields from My profile Navigation in Portal

Login/Registration Page

17.1 Language dropdown options have been added on the Login page

17.2 The language dropdown on the registration page has been moved

17.3 Email or contact number has been made mandatory during registration


18.1 SSN has been replaced with the customer’s name

18.2 Extension field in contact


19.1 The date and time format has been implemented

19.2 All toggle button has been implemented

19.3 Select All Check box has been implemented on the mass SMS screen

19.4 Real-time SMS has been implemented

19.5 SMS 'Mark as Unread' has been administered


20.1 Changes made in the web clock should be reflected in the timeclock

20.2 Timeclock overnight case has been updated




21.1.1 Creating option property for contact email


21.2.1 Add the task option in the comment navigation under contact navigation


21.3.1 A job directory filter for status

21.3.2 Improvising drag and drop feature in assignment


21.4.1 Branch option has been added on Advance Filter

21.4.2 Search for skill codes without selecting the category has been implemented in advance 


21.4.3 Conviction has been added in EIS

21.4.4 Improvising Upload Image in Comment


21.5.1 Update on sorting job order


21.6.1 Assigning multiple employees to the same job


21.7.1 Grouping option has been implemented


21.8.1 Future assignment has been displayed in the current toggle button


21.9.1 Allowed achieving of E-Verify

21.9.2 Task Assign in multiple workflows has been improved

21.9.3 Complete E-Verify task by entering existing case number has been Implemented

Data Access

21.10.1 Alias’s width has been increased in data access


21.11 Added delete option for saved search in both advance and global search

21. 12 Time and User Stamp has been implemented

21.13 Snapshot has been updated to UI

21.14 Select complete by default on task has been administered

21.15 File attachment has been implemented in Email

21.16 A separate comment document while uploading images has been added

21.17 Display doc, docs, ppt, xlsx, image documents have been added

21.18 Display pdf documents have been added

21.19 Delete action for date type has been administered

21.20 Comment report has been implemented

21.21 Display icon for 'Default Sorting' on the directory page

21.22 End Assignment with Comment

Employee/Customer Timeclock Portal

22.1 Timeclock admin summary status has been updated

Additional Feature

23.1 Users should receive a warning message to update their password

23.2 Track failed login attempt

23.3 Display document 360 documents based on the current application

Known Issues/ Problems





Fixed Issues




The issue reported via support ticket email is fixed