Employee Information System (EIS)
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Employee Information System (EIS)

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Article summary

Features Added on EIS

The features added on EIS are:

Eye View  Implemented

Eye view has been implemented in Employee detail of Work History side navigation under the History top navigation. Users can navigate to Customer/ Job/ Assignment/ Payment detail as per their requirement by hovering over the eye view icon and on click.

Primary Contact Info Implemented

'Set as primary' action has been added under the favorite icon of Contact Information side navigation. As multiple phone numbers of the employee can be added, this action will set one specific phone number as primary. Moreover, the same phone number will be displayed in the employee detail top section along with the employee’s ID, address, office, etc.

How to Use This Feature

  • Select the contact number from the Contact Info navigation which is to be set as primary
  • Click on the Favorite icon and select 'Set as Primary'

  • The contact number set as primary will be displayed at the top of the employee detail.

Primary Address Info implemented

The 'Set as Primary' action has been added under the Favorite icon in the Address of Contact Information side navigation.  As multiple addresses of the employee can be added, this action will set one specific address as primary which is the same as primary contact info and the same address will be displayed in the employee detail top section along with the employee’s ID, phone number, office, etc.

How to Use This Feature

  • Select the address from the Contact Info top navigation
  • Click on the favorite icon and select 'Set as Primary'

  • The address set as primary will be displayed at the top section of the employee detail.

Default Toggle Switch Button Modified

Earlier the default toggle button was 'Current.' Now, the toggle button can be switched to 'All or 'Current' by the user which will be saved for the user session. It will stay the same when the user logins the next time in the application until further changes are made.

Future Assignments Displayed

Earlier future assignments did not display in the Assignment top navigation. Now, when the toggle button is switched to 'All,' future assignments will also be displayed along with current assignments in the Assignment top navigation if any.

AllowEmployerEmployeeTypeEdit Option property Implemented

'AllowEmployerEmployeeTypeEdit' option property is implemented in ATM which allows the users to handle the access to update Employer and Employee Type while editing the employee info in EIS. 

How to Use This Feature

  • Go to Option navigation of ATM application and Select 'Person' entity from the dropdown.
  • Select the 'AllowEmployerEmployeeTypeEdit' option property and click on the Edit icon to set the property.

  • Select the default value from the dropdown. The 'True' value allows the user to edit Employer and Employee type while 'False' will do the opposite.
  • Select the users to whom the setup is to be applied and click on the Save button.

  • After setting up the property from ATM, now the users will be able to edit Employer and Employee Type while editing the employee info in Employee detail of EIS.

Replace Card Action 

'Replace Card' action has been added in the Favorite icon of Bank Account side navigation in Payroll top navigation in Employee detail. It allows users to enter the new card number and replace it with the existing/ lost one. 

 How to Use This Feature 

  • Go to Bank Account side navigation of Employee detail and click on Replace Card action.
  • Enter the New Card Number and Save it.
  • The card will be successfully replaced by the required bank account number.

Parsed Resume Displayed

A parsed resume will be displayed in the Resume info section in the Snapshot top navigation in case of an employee having a resume uploaded by them. The user can also download the resume from the download icon.

Unemployment Top Navigation Implemented

'Unemployment' top navigation has been implemented in the employee detail. The details added in this top navigation for the employee will be reflected in UMS application.

How to Use This Feature

  • Go to Unemployment top navigation of employee detail and add the details from the add icon.

  • Now the details added from the Unemployment top navigation for the employee will be reflected in UMS application.