Report Management System (RMS)
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Report Management System (RMS)

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Article summary

Features Added on RMS

The features added on RMS are:

Background Check Spreadsheet Report Added

Background Check spreadsheet report has been added in RMS. This report shows background checks ordered through the system including their package information and status during the given date range.  The user will be able to view details with Employee’s name, Customer, Service Provider, Location, Background Check Package, Status, Order Date, Completion Date, Ordered By, and so on.

Edit Subscription Action Added

The new action 'Edit subscription' has been added which will allow the user to edit the subscription details like time, date, recipient email, schedule details, and other additional details. Earlier, a user was only able to create a subscription but could not edit it. Now, the user will be able to edit the subscription details as required.

How to Use This Feature

  • Click on the vertical ellipsis button of the required report and click on the 'Edit Subscription' action to make necessary changes.

  • If there are multiple subscriptions for a report, users will have to select the required subscription that needs to be edited.

  • Edit the details as required and Save.

Multiple Subscription Implemented

Earlier, a user could create a single subscription only but now, a user will be able to create multiple subscriptions for the same report with various schedules and details.

Earlier, if a user had already created a subscription, there would not be a subscribe action in the vertical ellipsis, but now, the action to ‘Subscribe’ is available even after subscribing.

  • Click on the vertical ellipsis button of the report and click on ‘Subscribe’ to subscribe.

  • Create and add schedule details as required and save.
  • After subscribing, when the user tries to edit the subscription details, the user will be asked to select the subscription schedule that needs to be edited in case of multiple subscriptions.

Users can unsubscribe to the report using the ‘Unsubscribe’ action of the vertical ellipsis button.

  • In case of multiple subscriptions, while unsubscribing, select the subscription that is to be unsubscribed and click on Save.

Grouping Implemented in Report Category

Parent-child grouping has been introduced for the Report Category to make it more organized. Users can view separate reports under each child of a respective parent grouping. If needed, additional report categories can be added, and add reports in those categories too.

Turn Over Paginated Report Added

Turn Over paginated Report is used to provide Employee Turnover Rates that are actively working or ended their assignment within the selected date range. This report can be filtered by client/ job. It displays a list of employees working under particular customers with their Job Title, Start Date and End Date of the assignment, and assignment end reason within the selected date range. It also displays pie charts for the same.

The parameters for the report are:

  • Start Date 
  • End Date
  • Filter By
  • Filter By Value
  • Department
  • Shift
  • Job Title
  • Turnover End Reason
  • Excluded End Reason

Fill Ratio Paginated Report Added

Fill Ratio paginated Report shows the ratio of Filled Employees and Showed Employees. Fill Ratio is defined by Placed versus Required Employees whereas Showed Ratio is defined by the number of employees having transactions versus Placed Employees.

It displays a list of customers with Job Id, Customer Id, Status, Start Date and End Date of Job, Required and Placed count, and their ratios.

Parameters in this report are:

  • Date Type
  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Company
  • Office
  • Customer

Cash Requirement Paginated Report Added

Cash Requirement Paginated Report shows details of liabilities and the amount of cash needed to process payroll such as deductions, employee earnings, employer contributions, employer taxes, net pay, onetime adjustment, and so on. The report can be run based on two types of dates and they are Check Date and Accounting Period Date.

Gross Profit by Customer Paginated Report Added

Gross Profit by a Customer Report is a summary report that shows gross profit and information that makes up the gross profit of each customer broken down by office.

The user can run the report based on three types of dates.

  • Accounting Period Date
  • Pay Period End Date
  • Check Date

Report parameter:

  • Date Type
  • Start Date 
  • End Date
  • Company
  • Office
  • Roll Up to Parent Customer
  • Customer

Gross Profit Summary Paginated Report Added

This report shows the summary of gross profit, total bill and pay hours of each office with charts. 

The user can run the report based on three types of dates and they are:

  • Accounting Period Date
  • Pay Period End Date
  • Check Date

Other parameters are:

  • Date Type
  • Start Date 
  • End Date
  • Company
  • Office

Sales Comparisons Four Weeks With Prior Year Report Added

Sales Comparisons Four Weeks With Prior Year Report shows sales by customer compared to previous year’s sales. It includes records for four weeks from the given date.

The parameters in this report are:

  • As of Date
  • Company
  • Office

Sales Comparisons Four Weeks Paginated Report Added

This report shows the sales, margin, and hours comparison by the customer for the given date and previous three weeks. It also displays the graph for Total Sales by Office as per Accounting Period.

The parameters in this report are:

  • As of Date
  • Company
  • Office

Temp Job Template Added

Temp Job template has been added in the Report Template dropdown while creating a report from the Report Builder. 

Contact Added in Report Template

Contact has been added in the report template dropdown while creating a report from the report builder.

Taxable Gross With Deduction Spreadsheet Report Added

Taxable Gross With Deduction Spreadsheet Report has been added under the back-office category. This report shows the summary of employee taxes based on the company for the given date range. It includes pre-tax deduction, to show the difference between gross wages and taxable gross. For now, FIT, SIT, FICA, and MEDI are included. The parameters ‘Check Date From’ and ‘Check-Date To’ are mandatory fields whereas Company and Transaction Type are optional.

Person Accrual Spreadsheet Report Added

Person Accrual Spreadsheet Report has been added under Back Office. It includes Accrual Plan, Company, Office, and Person as the Parameters.

Advance Bank Spreadsheet Report

The Advance Bank spreadsheet report has been added to the RMS application. This report shows the sum of the Adjustment Limit and the total amount of Adjustment calculated for a person under an Advance Bank. This report is run based on the company.

Minimal Wage Spreadsheet Report Added

Minimal Wage spreadsheet report will display all the minimum wages. The parameter for this report is 'As of Date.'

This report will feature ‘State,’ ‘County,’ ‘City,’ ‘Department,’ ‘Minimum Wage,’ ‘Start Date,’  and ‘End Date’ columns.

Sales Tax by Invoice Date Report Added

Users will be able to see the ‘Sales Tax by Invoice Date Report’ under the Report Builder report. This report displays all the sales taxes calculated in a given date range grouped by the invoice date.

There are the following parameters in the report:

  • Invoice Date From (mandatory field)
  • Invoice Date To (mandatory field)
  • Company (mandatory field)
  • Office (mandatory field)
  • Person (optional field)
  • SSN (optional field)

Sales Tax Summary by Invoice Date Report Added

Users will be able to see the ‘Sales Tax Summary by Invoice Date Report’ under Report Builder Report now. This report shows the summary of sales taxes calculated in a given date range grouped by the invoice date.

There are the following parameters in the report:

  • Invoice Date From (mandatory field)
  • Invoice Date To (mandatory field)
  • Company (mandatory field)
  • Office (mandatory field)

Invoice by Invoice Date Report Added

Users will be able to see the ‘Invoice by Invoice Date Report’ under the Report Builder Report. This report displays a list of all the invoices and its details within the selected date range.

There are the following parameters in the report:

  • Invoice Date From (mandatory field)
  • Invoice Date To (mandatory field)
  • Company (mandatory field)
  • Office (mandatory field)
  • Customer Id (optional field)

Invoice Summary by Invoice Date Report Added

Users will be able to see the ‘Invoice Summary by Invoice Date Report’ under Report Builder Report. This report displays the summary of invoices and its detail within the selected date range. It is the summary report of the Invoice-by-Invoice Date Report.

There are the following parameters in the report:

  • Invoice Date From (mandatory field)
  • Invoice Date To (mandatory field)
  • Company (mandatory field)
  • Office (mandatory field)

Cash Receipt Paginated Report

Cash Receipt paginated report has been added. This report shows all the AR payments received during a given date range. It can be further filtered by ‘Payment Type’ and ‘Reason Code.’

Invoice With Markup Percent Paginated Report Added

Invoice With Markup Percent paginated report is an invoice statement provided to the customer for all the transactions done during the billing period with the mark-up percent. This report will be run based on invoice id and invoice merge id.

Users need to set up this invoice style for the customer from the Service Profile to be able to view this invoice style report.

Invoice with Markup and Pay Rate Paginated Report Added

Invoice with Markup and Pay Rate paginated report has been added. This report is an invoice statement provided to the customer for all the transactions done during the billing period with markup percent and the pay rate. This report is run based on invoice id and invoice merge id.

Users need to set up this invoice style for the customer from the Service Profile to be able to view this invoice style report for the customer.

Worker Comp Cost Paginated Report Added

Worker Comp Cost paginated report shows total worker comp wages, rates, and cost. It can be further filtered with a group by Office/ Customer/ State/ WC Code/ Employee to see detail and summary. The WC Rate is calculated using the formula WC Cost divided by WC Wage. This report is displayed based on two date types and they are:

  • Accounting Period Date
  • Check Date

Employee Payroll Summary Spreadsheet Report Added

Employee Payroll Summary spreadsheet report displays all the summarized payroll details of the employee. 

Executive Summary Paginated Report Added

Executive Summary paginated report has been added under Back Ofice. This report is a combination of different charts including records of Gross Profit, Gross Wages, Customer Count, Turnover Ratio, Fill Ratio, Total Bill, Outstanding Balance, AR Aging, Candidate Count, Employee Count, and User Count. The report is displayed based on Accounting Period.

Work Injury List Spreadsheet Report Added

Work Injury spreadsheet report shows Work Injury records including their cause, type, and claim type for the provided incident that happened during the date range. The parameters for this report are Incident Date Start(required), Incident Date To (required), Office, and Company, and the parameters are optional.

This report includes columns related to employee details such as Office, Company, PersonId, Employee Name, Hire Date, Job Position, Customer, Department, and Assignment Start Date. It also includes the Injury Details such as the cause of injury, type of injury, claim type, claims number, incident note, etc.

Active Employee Spreadsheet Report Added

Active Employee spreadsheet report shows all active employees inserted between the provided date range. The parameters for this report are:

  • Insert Date From (required field)
  • Insert Date To (required field)
  • Company (optional field)
  • Office (optional field)

This report includes employee detail columns such as Address, State, Zip, Phone, SSN, Office, First Name, Last Name, Assigned value- determining if the employee is currently assigned or not.

User Log Spreadsheet Report Added

User Log spreadsheet report shows the login info of the user including their IP address, browser, month, date, and time.

The parameters of this report ‘Insert Date From’ and ‘Insert Date To’ are mandatory fields.

Person EEO Spreadsheet Report Added

Person EEO spreadsheet report shows person EEO records including their date of birth, gender, ethnicity, and veteran for the range of DOB provided.

The parameters for this report are ‘Date of Birth From’ and ‘Date of Birth To’ that are required fields while ‘Marital Status,’ & ‘Gender’ are optional fields.

This report includes columns such as Company, Office, First Name, Last Name, Person ID, SSN, Address, Date of birth, Gender, Marital Status, Ethnicity, Veteran, etc.

Customer Year to Date Spreadsheet Report Added

Customer Year to Date spreadsheet report displays ‘Year to Date’ figures related to sales, discount, charge, sales tax, invoice amount based on the customer.

The parameters for the report are:

  • Date Type (dropdown): Invoice Date and Accounting Period- required field.
  • Year (dropdown): Multiselect (required field)
  • Company (optional field)
  • Office (optional field)
  • Customer (optional field)

It includes columns such as Customer, Company, Office, YTD Sales, YTD Charge, YTD Discount, YTD Invoice Amount.

Commission Spreadsheet Report Added

Commission spreadsheet report shows the commission details of employees as per their role.

The parameters for this report are:

  • Accounting Period From
  • Accounting Period To
  • Company
  • Office
  • User
  • Roll Up to Parent Customer

This report will feature ‘Company,’ ‘Office,’ ‘Customer,’ ‘Department,’ ‘User Role,’ ‘Sales,’ ‘Gross Profit,’ ‘Commission Rate,’ ‘Commission,’ and ‘GP%’ columns.

Leaderboard Paginated Report

Leaderboard Report is a paginated sales/ recruiter analysis report that displays the top recruiters/ sales based on their recruits/ sales of the company's executives. It is useful for the calculation of incentives/ bonuses based on their performance level.

The parameters for this report are:

  • Start Date
  • End Date 
  • Company
  • Office 
  • User Role

Based on user role, this report displays top sales rep/ sales manager or recruiter details from highest to lowest sales and gross amount figures.

The top three sales reps/ sales managers or recruiters (based on selection) will be displayed at the top of the report horizontally with Sales, Gross Profit Amount, and Bill Hours associated with the user.

It will display ‘Name,’ ‘Gross,’ ‘Sales,’ ‘Gross Profit,’ ‘Bill Hours,’ ‘GP%,’ ‘Customer Count,’ ‘Active Customer Count’ columns.

Improvement in Reports

GetSystemUsage Spreadsheet Report

Various improvements have been implemented in this report.

  • The report has been renamed as ‘UserActivity’ report.

  • ‘Transaction Count’ column has been renamed as ‘Time Entry Count’ and ‘Login Count’ columns have been renamed as ‘Days Logged In.’

  • ‘Gross,’ ‘Gross Profit,’ and ‘Total Bill’ columns as per accounting period have been added in the report.

  • Paid Employee Count column has been added in the report which will display the count of employees that got paid after recruitment by the associated user.
  • ‘Check Count’ and ‘Invoice Count’ columns’ logic has been modified to display the count of posted person id from user person id.

Turnover Paginated Report

Various improvements have been made in this report. 

‘Filter by’ dropdown parameter values with ‘Customer’ and ‘Customer Id’ have been implemented.

Upon selecting ‘Filter By Value,’ users can enter the value as required.

Assignment List Spreadsheet Report

‘GM Percent’ column has been replaced by ‘GP Percent.’

Minimum Wage by Customer Worksite Spreadsheet Report

‘Minimum Wage on Job’ spreadsheet report has been renamed to ‘Minimum Wage by Customer Worksite.’

‘Job Title’ column has been repositioned.

Time Clock Info Spreadsheet Report  

‘Time Clock Info’ spreadsheet report has been renamed to ‘Time Clock Setup Info’ and the ‘Assignment Date From’ parameter has been renamed to ‘Assignment Start Date.’

AR Aging Paginated Report

'Customer Payment' details section has been added to the bottom section of the report.

Currency Amount Displayed

The currency type amount in all the reports of RMS will be displayed only up to two digits values and will be rounded off.

Accrued Hour Report

There is now a customer field where users may search for a customer by Customer ID or Customer Name. To make it more user-friendly, the field name has been changed from Customer to 'Customer Name/ Customer ID.'

Payment Accrual Report

Payment Accrual Report now includes a 'Check Date' and 'Check Number' column. The report will only run for batches that have been posted.

Back-office Column Removed in Standard Reports

The Back-office column in the Standard Report Builder Reports has been removed.

Transaction Template

The ‘Last Paid Date’ column has been added to the Report Transaction Template for the Report Builder.

The Last Paid Date will display the date of the latest transaction payment.

GP Bill Column in Sales by State and City Spreadsheet Report Added 

‘GP Bill’ column has been added in the Sales by State and City spreadsheet report which is the total sum of Charge, Sales, and GP Adjustment Bill less Discount.

Management Paginated Report

‘Other Number of Interests’ table has been added in the report which includes details such as Employee Paid, Employee Billed, Total Billed Hours, Checks, Direct Deposits, Invoices, New 

Applicants, and so on. 

Sales Tax, Discount, and Total Bill Percentage have been removed from the report.

Total Bill Trend Line by Office from the start of the year, Gross, WC cost, GP, and GP % have been added in the report.

Payroll Register Detail Spreadsheet Report

Accrual details have been added in the Payroll Register Detail spreadsheet report.

Accrual Details

Comment Report

Numerous changes have been made in Comment Report. 

  • Stage Column has been removed.
  • ‘Subject’ and ‘Comment’ column has been merged and renamed as ‘Comment.’ The subject will be shown just before the Comments. 

  • ‘Comment By’ option has been added on Group By filter.

  • When ‘Group By’ is set to a column name in the report, that column will be eliminated when the report is executed.

For example, if Group By is chosen as ‘Comment By,’ then the ‘Comment By’ column will be hidden when the report is executed.

  • The total count will be shown at the top of each group.

Pay Code Report

‘Included in WC Wages’ column has been added on Pay Code Report which displays the values ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ determining if it is included or not.

StateRelatedTax Spreadsheet Report

A new column ‘State Code’ has been added in the ‘StateRelatedTax’ report.

Employee Summary Report Implemented

When the user runs the report, the user must enter the person Id of the employee to view the specific summary report of the employee.

It displays basic details, assignment details, task details, comments, SMS, bank account, candidate, deductions, and regular payment details of the employee.

This report can also be accessed from the Employee Detail page.

Reports Rename

Some of the Standard Report names have been renamed.

Previous Report nameCurrent Report NameReport Type
EmployeedirectdepositEmployee Bank DetailSpreadsheet
OfficeDeductionSubmittalDeduction Submittal by OfficePaginated
CustomerWCCostSummaryWC Cost Summary by CustomerPaginated
SMSTexting DetailSpreadsheet
PTO DetailPTO Accrual Setup DetailSpreadsheet
ElectronicDisclosureConsentW2 Electronic Disclosure ConsentSpreadsheet
PayrollwithInvoiceDetailTransactions with Payroll and Invoice DetailSpreadsheet

Vacation Accruals Category Renamed to PTO Accruals

The Vacation Accruals subcategory inside the Back Office Category has been renamed to PTO Accruals.

Management Category Under Parent Categories Added

Under each Parent category, a management category has been introduced. Users may now find FO Management in the Front Office, BO Management in the Back Office, and Management in the Other Category.

For the time being, the Management report has been placed in the BO management category.

Deprecated Reports From Our Standard

Following paginated reports have been depreciated from our Standard Report.

  • WC Cost Summary Report
  • Office Tax Summary Report
  • Funding Filter Report

1. WC Cost Summary Report

2. Office Tax Summary Report

3. Funding Filter Report

Report Builder Reports Improved

Payment Tax Report

All existing grouping has been removed in the Payment Tax report.

Payment Tax Summary Report

All the existing grouping has been removed. By default, grouping was done by Company, Accounting Period, Category, Type, and Code.

Users can view the description in the code column now. New parameter Company and Office has been added to run a report so that users can run reports according to the selected company and office.

Payment Deduction Summary Report

All the existing grouping has been removed. By default, grouping was done by Company, Accounting Period, Category, Type, and Code.

Sales Tax Report

‘Sales Tax Report’ has been renamed to ‘Sales Tax by Accounting Period Report’ and the 'State’ column has been added to the report.

Sales Tax Summary report

‘Sales Tax Summary Report’ has been renamed to ‘Sales Tax Summary by Accounting Period Report.’

Invoice Report

‘Invoice Report’ has been renamed to ‘Invoice by Accounting Period’ and the ‘Invoice Date’ column has been added to the report.

Invoice Summary Report

‘Invoice Summary Report’ has been renamed to ‘Invoice Summary by Accounting Period’ and the ‘Invoice Date’ column has been added to the report.

Invoice Balance Filter

In this report, the parameter 'Zero Balance’ has been renamed to ‘Include Zero Balance Invoices.’

WC Cost Detail Report

All the existing grouping has been removed from this report.

WC Cost Summary Report

The Person and SSN column has been removed from the report.