Applicant Tracking System (ATS)
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Applicant Tracking System (ATS)

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Article summary

Features Added on ATS

The features added on ATS are:

Applicant Import Plan Added

An import plan to import multiple applicants has been added in ATS. Zenople has its standard import plan but it is customizable and can be created upon the client’s request.

Before a user imports applicant records into Zenople, the availability of a properly structured import spreadsheet must be ensured.

Applicant Import File

The spreadsheet attached to this article is a Standard Import File for collecting Applicant information, which can then be imported into Zenople.

Click to Download  Sample Import File

Make sure that the columns in the spreadsheet remain in the same format as shown below.



OrganizationOrganization where employees will be created
OfficeApplicant's Office
First NameApplicant's First Name
Middle NameApplicant's Middle Name
Last NameApplicant's Last Name
SSNApplicant's Social Security Number
EmailApplicant's Email address
PhoneApplicant's Phone number
Address 1Address 1 of Applicant
Address 2Address 2 of Applicant
CityCity where the Applicant resides
ZipcodeZipcode of the Applicant's address
StateState where the Applicant resides
JobsId of the job in which the Applicant will be linked
Job PortalName of Job Portal

Add Batch

By selecting the desired organization, users can create a batch by clicking the Add button. Then, users can select the import plan and upload the import file.

Uploaded sheet in Import Sheet will be displayed as:

While processing a batch, if there are any record duplication/s or other mapping-related issues, an exception will be displayed. Users need to troubleshoot the exceptions and post the batch.

EEO Navigation Removed

Users will not see EEO navigation in ATS anymore as EEO information is voluntary for Applicants.

Source Column Added in Person Directory

Users can view the 'Source’ column in Applicant and New Hire directory pages. This column contains the source of applied jobs by applicants/ new hires.