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The first landing page of 'Temp Job Management'(TJM) is the 'Dashboard'.

The dashboard displays the various tiles, workflow, and graphs of the TJM application. The dashboard helps in records visualization and analysis. Users can see various tiles, workflows, job trends, and job distribution by office chart. It also consists of a filter and a task status.


Tiles are the numeric representation of information. There are various tiles on the top of the screen. Tiles are customizable and can be added as per the user’s requirement. TJM has four tiles and users can view the information like 'Temp Job Today', 'Temp Job This Week', 'Temp Job This Month', and 'Temp Job This Year'. 

Users can click on the verticle ellipsis button and select an option such as 'Temp Job Today', 'Temp Job This Week', 'Temp Job this Month', and 'Temp Job This Year' to view the records accordingly.

Selected option records will be seen on the tile.

Clicking on the tile count will redirect to the temp job directory. It will show the details of the temp job depending on the tile selected.


The workflow of TJM is displayed in the tiles as shown below. The workflow consists of various stages. The new temp job is in the 'Open' stage. When any person seeking the job based on the skills he/she has, applies for the job then, it will be listed in the 'In Progress' stage. After the required number of the candidate is fulfilled for the job, the job will be listed in the stage 'Filled' and all the jobs will be listed in the stage 'Total'. The count shows the total number of jobs under each stage and clicking on the stage will redirect to the temp job detail. It consists of the temp job detailed information (job position details). 

The workflow stages can be customized as per the client's requirements.

Trend Lines

The trend in the dashboard shows the graphic comparison of the number of temporary jobs as per different offices in a period of time. The default date is set as the last 7 days. Users can filter the trend line of the temp job by date like 'Last 7 Days', 'This Week', 'Last Week', This Month', 'Last 30 Days', etc.

Donut Chart

The donut chart of 'Temp Job By Office' shows the number of temporary jobs as per the office on the selected date. The distribution chart shows the number of the highest temporary job as per the office on the selected date. The default date is set as the 'Last 7 Days'. Users can filter the chart of the temp job by date like 'Last 7 Days', 'This Week', 'Last Week', 'This Month', 'Last 30 Days', etc.


TJM includes a filter option that helps to search for the job records quicker. Using this filter will display the job on the basis of the selected option values on the dashboard. This filter feature can be used from the hamburger icon.

The filter consists of different options like workflow, filter status, user role, and status.

Users need to enable the filter status, to enable other directory filter options. The options can be customized as per the client's requirements.

Task Status

The 'Task Status' shows the count of the tasks completed and the tasks remaining. Users can view the count from the Task Status donut chart.

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