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Sales navigation allows users to redirect to the detail page of sales and consists of various navigations and features that are essential for sales information. It also has a list of sales/ targets on a directory page which allows users to use filters the entire list of sales/ targets available.

Sales Directory

When users search for the target from the search box, the list of targets is displayed. Sales Directory page includes all the target details with the 'Organization Id,' 'Name,' 'Department,' 'Status,' 'Office,' 'City,' 'Zip Code,' 'Revenue,' 'Number of Tasks,' and 'Created Date.' When users search for the targets from the search box, the sales directory displays the records accordingly. Users can also filter the records of the directory from the column filter or sort the records in 'ASC' or 'DSC' order.


The filter allows users to sort records based on various options in the sales directory such as workflow, various status, and user roles. Using this filter will display the filtered records based on the selected options. This filter feature can be used from the hamburger icon. This is similar to the filter in the dashboard.

Filter Parameter

Search/ Recent Toggle Button

'Search' toggle button allows users to search the sales from the search box in the sales directory whereas the 'Recent' toggle button displays the most recently searched and visited records. By default, the Search toggle button will be enabled.

Session Toggle button

A session toggle button allows users to view the sales records added in the user’s session. By default, the session toggle button is disabled. Users can enable it as required.


The workflow in the sales directory of SPM is similar to that of the sales dashboard. Users can view the sales records in each stage by clicking on the tiles as required.

Add Sales/ Target

The ‘Add' button allows users to add sales targets from SPM. Users can simply add sales targets by clicking on the 'Add' icon and entering the sales detail information without following the stages from the LTS application.

Sales Detail

Clicking on the eye view icon of the target in the sales directory will redirect users to the sales detail.  It consists of detailed information of the target such as 'Sales Id,' 'Office,' 'Primary Address,' 'Contact Info,' current workflow stages status of the target, and various other information in related navigations. 

Favorite Action

There are five actions under the favorite icon of the target’s detail page. They are:

  • Discard
  • Edit
  • Move to Next stage
  • Move to Next workflow
  • Refresh

1. Discard

It allows users to disqualify the company as the target. Users can change the 'Disqualified' status of the target from the edit icon.

2. Edit

It allows users to edit the target information such as 'Office,' 'Department,' 'Status,' 'Address,' 'Zip Code,' 'Contact Info,' and 'Website.'

3. Refresh

It allows users to refresh the 'Detail' in case the edited records are not reflected.

4. Move to Next Stage

This action enables users to forward the target to the next stage. Users can use this action to move the target from the current stage to the next stage.

5. Move to Next Workflow

This action enables users to forward the targets to the next workflow i.e. ‘NCO.’


There are six top navigations in the Sales detail. They are:

  • Comment
  • Task
  • People
  • Contact Info
  • Sales & Service
  • Document


It allows users to write and update multiple comments associated with targets under various categories. These comments are displayed in the target’s profile with the name of the commenter and the date on which the comment was added. Users can also view the comment report from the favorite icon.

Users can also view the comment report from the favorite icon. This report shows comments inserted for the corresponding target which is displayed in their profile.


It allows users to add and edit multiple tasks related to the target in SPM. Users can assign the 'Task,' enter 'Due date' for the task, 'Titles', etc. If users need to reassign the task, users can open, archive the task or assign the task again to another user. Once the task is assigned, the user who is ought to complete the task cannot be edited. However, the user can forward the task to some other user. Users can also print the documents/ tasks as required. 'Task' has a toggle button to view the 'Archived' tasks. By default, the archived tasks are hidden. Users can enable the toggle button to view the archived tasks. 


It consists of two side navigations. They are:

  • Contact
  • User Role

1. Contact

It allows users to add and edit multiple contacts related to the target. The contact entered while adding up a target is automatically displayed in this navigation. It allows users to add the full name of the contact person, 'Job Title,' 'Email Address', 'Contact Number,' 'Address' details, etc. 'Active/ All' toggle button allows users to view either active or all the contacts as required. By default, the active contacts are displayed.

It also allows the user to add any other existing contact into the new contact with customized details.

2. User Role

It allows users to add and edit multiple user roles for the target with the user’s name and office details. Users can add multiple user roles for the same user.

Contact Info

'Contact Info' consists of two side navigations. They are:

  • Contact Information
  • Address

1. Contact Information

It allows users to add and edit multiple types of contact information such as 'Phone Numbers,' 'Fax Numbers,' 'Email Id,' 'Website Information,' Twitter, Linked In, etc. 'Active/ All' toggle button allows users to view either active or all the contact information as required. By default, the active contact information is displayed.

2. Address

It allows users to add and edit multiple addresses including billing, mailing, job site, and main address. Users can also add sales tax and pay rate for that address. Multiple addresses of the same type cannot be added. 'Active/ All' toggle button allows users to view either active or all the addresses as required. By default, the active addresses is displayed.

Sales & Service

'Sales & Service' consists of three side navigations. They are:

  • Service Profile
  • Sales Profile
  • Revenue Opportunity

1. Service Profile

Service Profile is the most important navigation as it allows users to add and edit various details related to 'Credit Terms,' 'Invoicing,' and 'Payroll.' Service Profile defines the different parameters for a customer which are required during the payroll and invoicing. This profile cannot be added multiple times. The various fields that must be added are as follows:

  • Credit Roles
  • Invoice
  • Payroll

i) Credit Terms

  • Credit Limit

Credit Limit is the maximum amount of credit the company extends. An exception will be displayed if the credit limit is crossed during the time entry.

  • Payment Term

'Payment Term' determines the due date of an invoice. If the payment term is set to ‘Net 15 Days’ and the invoice date is 4/1/2021 then the invoice will have a due date of 4/16/2020. The payment term is added according to the customer's requirement.

ii) Invoice

  • Invoice to Organization

The company to whom the invoice is sent, the company may have multiple departments.

  •  Invoice Cycle

The time cycle in which the invoice is generated is the 'Invoice Cycle'. It can be monthly, weekly, biweekly, etc.

  • Invoice Week

 The timely week of the invoice is 'Invoice Week.' If the invoice cycle is monthly then the week in which the invoice is generated is the Invoice week.

  • Separate Invoice By

Users will be able to separate invoices by department, person, shifts, pay period, supervisor, worksite, transaction batch, worksite, and various other options.

  • Group Invoice By

Users will be able to group invoices by various options as in the 'Separate Invoice By' dropdown. It is how an invoice is grouped in the invoice report.

  • Invoice Display

Users will be able to display invoices by various options such as in the group by and separate by fields.

  • Invoice Style

It is the format or template of the invoice.

  • Attach Timecard

It is a dropdown option to attach the timesheet of the employees.

  • Max Invoice Amount

The maximum limit of the invoice is the 'Max Invoice Amount.'

  • PO Number

Purchase order number

  • Invoice Delivery

Dropdown option to choose ways to deliver invoices such as email or print etc.

  • Email Invoice To

 It is the Email address for the invoices to be sent.

  • Allow Web Time Entry

This allows the employees under this organization to use web time entry. Disabling this will not allow the employee to do web time entry.

iii) Payroll

  • Pay Period

The recurring length of time over which the employee timesheet is recorded and paid accordingly is the pay period.

  • Pay Cycle

It is the time cycle on which the employee is paid. It may be weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, etc.

  • Pay Week

It means the timely week of the pay. If the pay cycle is monthly then the week of a month on which the employees are to be is 'Pay Week.'

  • Pay Period End Date 

The last day of the pay period is the 'Pay Period End Date.'

  • Over-Time Plan 

It is a plan for overtime pay. For example, select over 40 plans for weekly time entry and daily over 8 for daily entry.

  • Mileage Rate

It refers to the travel allowance charge taken from the customer for transporting their employees to the worksite.

  • Transaction Template

This template is important for the Timesheet entry.

  1. If 4 entry is selected, it refers to Clock In-Break In-Break Out-Clock Out.
  2. If 2 entry is selected, it refers to Clock In-Clock Out.

  Note: To be able to enter daily time, make sure to select daily transactions templates.

2. Sales Profile

It allows users to add and edit various sales-related information such as 'Sales Level,' 'Organization Type,' 'Competition Details,' and 'Notes.'

3. Revenue Opportunity

It allows users to add and edit various information related to 'Estimated Revenue Amounts,' 'Revenue Period,' and so on.

  Note: If the sales and service profile of the target is added in SPM, it will automatically be reflected in the next workflows as well i.e NCO, CMS when the targets move forward to the next workflows. Users can edit the sales and service profile but cannot add multiple sales and service profiles.


It allows users to upload the related documents of the target. Users can also add and edit the document details which will be displayed in the target’s profile in SPM. The document may be an image, word, excel, pdf, etc. Users can keep documents related to targets for future reference as well. 

Users can view the document from the eye view icon and download the document from the favorite icons.

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