Invoice History
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Invoice History

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Tapping on the ‘More’ navigation shows other navigations namely; 

  • Invoice
  • Settings

Invoice History 

The Invoice History navigation shows the invoices of the customer in different invoice cards that contains details such as Invoice Amount, Balance, and Invoice Date. 

The invoice card has download button tapping on which the use can download the particular invoice. The ‘>’ arrow available on the bottom of the invoice card opens the particular invoice.

Upon tapping on the ‘>’ arrow, the user is directed to the ‘Invoice History’ page which displays the information such as Item Bill and Total Bill and its graphical representation in a donut chart. Right below the donut chart, the user can view the OT rate which is depicted by red color and RT rate depicted by yellow color.

The ‘Detail Information’ section contains the invoice details such as Invoice Number, Invoice Amount, Invoice Date, Due Date, Sales, Sales Tax, Discount, Charge, Balance and Download option which allows the users to download the particular invoice.

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