Report Manangement System (RMS)
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Report Manangement System (RMS)

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Article summary

Features Added on RMS

The features added on RMS are:

Assignment Info Paginated Report

Assignment Info paginated report has been added. This report displays employees with their job, worksite, and contact details along with other additional information that is set up on the job and customer level.

The parameters in this report are:

  • Job ID: Free text (Optional)
  • Assignment ID: Free text (Optional)

Users can enter multiple Assignment IDs separated by a comma. Users can either enter Job ID or Assignment ID to run the report or enter both Job ID and Assignment ID to view records accordingly.

Assignment Info Paginated Report

Users can add the custom details such as ‘Protective Equipment,’ ‘Dress Code,’ ‘Parking,’ ‘Attendance Info’ and ‘Smoking Details’ from the Custom side navigation under Other top navigation of DHM, TJM, and CMS applications. Even though the custom details are set up on both customer and job levels, the values on the job level will override the values on the customer level.

Users can add the custom details such as Protective Equipment

Improvement: Assignment List Spreadsheet Report

Various improvements have been added to the Assignment List Spreadsheet Report. End Reason parameter has been added in the report which allows multi-select and is optional.

Improvement_Assignment List Spreadsheet Report(1)

Return Type parameter has been modified to be optional and allows multi-select.

Return Type parameter has been modified to be optional

The report will be grouped by Return Type. Placed by column has been added in the report that displays values by Placed by user role.

The report will be grouped by Return Type

The report will be grouped by Return Type2

Improvement: Texting Detail Spreadsheet Report

The status parameter has been added in the report, which is optional, and has a multi-select feature. It includes the following status for SMS.

  • Deleted
  • Delivered
  • Pending
  • Failed

Improvement_Texting Detail Spreadsheet Report

The charge count column has been added to the report. This column displays the charge for SMS based on the total count of alphabets in a text or SMS which is 153 letters equals 1 charge count.

The charge count column has been added to the report

Improvement: Payment Template of Report Builder

The Phone column has been added to the Report Builder’s Payment template for both detail and summary reports.

Improvement_Payment Template of Report Builder

Improvement: Gross Profit Detail Paginated Report

When a user runs the report grouping by 'User,' the count of employees and customers will be displayed at the top of every grouping section.

Improvement_Gross Profit Detail Paginated Report

Improvement: Payroll Journal Paginated Report

Total Hours have been added to the ‘Company Total,’ ‘Subtotal for Branch’ and ‘Report Total’ sections of the Payroll Journal Paginated Report.

Improvement_Payroll Journal Paginated Report

Improvement: Transaction with Payroll and Invoice Detail Report 

Total Adjustment Pay Hours and Total Adjustment Bill Hours columns have been added to the Transaction with Payroll and Invoice Detail Report. These will include all the pay or bill hours of Adjustment codes like Mileage Reimbursement, etc.

Improvement_Transaction with Payroll and Invoice Detail Report

Improvement: Audit Log Report

All the categories of the payroll have been added to the Audit Log Report including changes in taxes, account numbers, bank account information, account type, accrual, deduction, benefit, and payroll information. Moreover, Start Date and End Date parameters have been added and the date range must be within 7 days. 

Improvement_Audit Log Report

The recently updated document will be displayed first on Audit Log Report. 

The recently updated document will be displayed first on Audit Log Report

Improvement: Role Id Replaced with Role in Report Builder

In Report Builder Report, Role Id has been replaced with Role. Users can now filter roles and provide access as per their necessity.

Improvement_Role Id Replaced with Role in Report Builder

Improvement: Staff Activity Paginated Report

‘Replacement’ parameter has been renamed as ‘Rate Change’ and the ‘Recruiter’ parameter has been renamed as ‘User.’

Earlier new assignments were counted by ‘Entered By’ and ended assignments were counted according to ‘Placed By’ but now the new and ended assignments will be counted according to ‘Placed By.’ Assignment Start Date was used to display the records but now the records will be displayed according to the ‘Assignment Modified’ date.

Improvement_Staff Activity Paginated Report

How Heard Of Report

How Heard Of Report has been implemented. This report shows from where did a candidate hear about the job to apply like website, job board, friends, etc. In other words, it displays Interview task details such as the referral source that an applicant entered while applying for the job.

The parameters of this report are:

  • Completion date from (Required)
  • Completion date to (Required)
  • Company
  • Office
  • Show detail- True/ False

How Heard Of Report