Organization Applications
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Organization Applications

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Features added to Organization Applications

The following features have been added to Lead Tracking System, Sales Pipeline Management, New Customer Management, and Customer Management System.  

Adding Contacts from Unknown Customers Using OCR. 

The Zenople mobile application has been enhanced to allow users to add contacts using an OCR scanner for unknown customers. When adding a contact, the application will prompt the user to choose whether to add a customer as well. If the user chooses yes, the system will redirect to the customer form with extracted details, facilitating the addition of a new customer before adding the contact.

Disable Flash and Maintain Aspect Ratio for OCR. 

The OCR (Optical Character Recognition) feature in the Zenople mobile application has been improved to enhance the user experience when capturing business card images. Users can now take pictures without flash and maintain the aspect ratio, ensuring that the pictures are clear and accurately represented.

Introducing the KPI Section in CMS Dashboard and Customer Snapshot. 

The Zenople mobile application has been enhanced to include the KPI section on the CMS dashboard and the Customer Snapshot. This allows users to access valuable insights directly from the mobile application, ensuring that they have all the necessary information at their fingertips.