Common Features
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Common Features

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Common Features added to Zenople

The following are the Common Features added throughout the Zenople Mobile Version. 

Document Viewer for PDF and Image File. 

 Users can now access the document viewer in the Zenople mobile application for both image and PDF files. This allows users to easily view and access the provided documents directly within the app.

File Size Limit for File Upload Using “Document Size” Property. 

The Zenople mobile application now uses the "Document Size" option property that allows users to set and enforce a maximum file size limit for attachments in the application. The “Document Size” option property exists for each entity separately and can be configured from the web. This feature ensures that file uploads are kept within a manageable size, which can help maintain optimal application performance and storage efficiency.


Editing Comments in Contact Entity Details. 

The Zenople mobile application now allows office staff to edit comments within the contact entity details. This feature ensures that users can update or correct information related to contacts at any time, maintaining the accuracy and relevance of the data.

To edit a comment, long press the comment to select and then use the floating button available at the bottom-left corner of the screen. The avatar image of the entity is replaced by a tick mark after the selection.

Revamped task Navigation in Mobile Application. 

The task section in the Zenople mobile application has been revamped to provide a more intuitive and user-friendly interface. This enhancement aims to simplify task management and improve the overall user experience for users handling their tasks.