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Timesheet Management System (TMS)
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Timesheet Management System (TMS)
The following features has been added to Timesheet Management System (TMS):
Added Invoice and Payroll Eye-View in TMS
When the Invoice and Payroll have been processed the respective eye-view can be visible in the transaction from both the Timesheet navigation and Work Board navigation in TMS.
- Only after Invoice is processed the invoice eye view is made visible, likewise with Payroll.
Automated Transaction Deletion for Manually Ended Assignment Schedules
When users manually end an Assignment Schedule without a batch tagged and the selected end reason has "Create Transaction" set to False, the system will automatically delete the generated transaction, ensuring data consistency and preventing unnecessary records.
Daily Time Import and Export Plan
Users can now use Daily Time Import and Export to Import and Export daily time data in the standard TMS application.
The following columns should be used as a template for the import:
- Person ID
- Person Name
- Customer ID
- Customer
- Department
- Job ID
- Job Position
- Assignment ID
- Assignment Schedule ID
- Office
- Worksite
- Worked Date
- Assignment Start Date
- Assignment End Date
- Company
- Accounting Period
- Transaction Code
- Clock In
- Break Out
- Break In
- Clock Out
- Status
- Pay Unit
- Pay Rate
- Bill Unit
- Bill Rate
- Break
Note: Our import and export are in 24-hour format please make sure to handle these requirements specially in the Import file.
Timeclock update to make Assignment with Create Transaction set to false, have the transaction not being shown.
A new update on Timeclock had made the following changes:
Scheduled Jobs: If the Scheduled date of Assignment Schedules have End Reason Property set as “Create Transaction” False, and the Scheduled Date is for today, users will not seen the assignment for time clock Punches.
Temp Jobs: For Temp Jobs, if the Assignment End date is set to today, or a future date, and Create Transaction is set as false, Users are not going to see the Assignment up to that end date, the daily Transactions will be created up to that end date only.
- If Scheduled Date assignment Schedules are set to Create Transaction as False, and the Scheduled Date is for today, the transaction will not be created.
- If the scheduled date assignment schedules have Create Transaction set to false, and the scheduled date is for today, the Transaction will not be created for that Work Date, or shift. All the other transactions will be created.
- In case of Temp Jobs transaction will be created up to the Assignment End Date.