Common Features
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Common Features

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Common Features Added to Person Applications (ATS, NHO, and EIS):

The following are the Common Features added to the Applicant Tracking System, New Hire Onboarding, and Employee Information System:

Hid the Document Numbers for Documents that are hidden through the “Hidden Document Types” option property.

Documents hidden using the Hidden Document Types option will have their document numbers hidden as well in the respective document navigations. 

Note: The documents that are available in the Option Property are all the "Document Type" list items with the Access Required property set as true.

Added option to manually close E-Verify cases

Users will now have an option to manually close E-Verify cases through the Case Closure section in E-Verify from where they can also input the reason for closing the case. 

Added a new Tile named "E-Verify" FNC Count" to NHO and EIS

A new tile named, "E-Verify FNC Count" has been added to NHO and EIS. This tile lists all the Employees and new hires with the E-Verify status "Final Non-Confirmation". The tile will remove the employee, new hire from the list when the E-Verify case is closed.

Warning Exception is sent for Auto Update Status when users change the status of the entity.

When the "Auto Update Status" option is set to True for Applicants, New Hires, and Employees, changing the status of an entity triggers warning exceptions. These warnings are divided into two cases:

Status Changes Within Auto Update Status:

Users will see a specific exception message when changing to a status that falls under Auto Update Status. These statuses include:


  • Applicant
  • Inactive
  • Active
  • Archive
  • Placed DH

New Hire:

  • Active
  • Inactive
  • Archive
  • Placed DH


  • Active
  • Idle
  • Assigned
  • Working
  • Placed DH
  • Inactive
  • Rehire
  • Reonboard

Status Changes Outside Auto Update Status:

A distinct exception message will be shown when the status is changed to one that does not fall under Auto Update Status.

By clearly distinguishing between these cases, users are informed of the specific nature of the status change and can take appropriate action based on the type of exception message received.

Updated the previously known as “Title of Employer” field in I-9 Section 2.

The previous “Title of Employer” field in I-9 Section 2 has had the following updates:

  • The field has been renamed to “Title of the Employer or Authorized Representative”.
  • When the I-9 Section Two is being completed by a third party the value is now determined through the following option property:

ATM > Option





Option Property

I9 Title of Employer Value 

Option Value

Temp Agent, Authorized Representative (Dropdown) 


Enable users to display the selected option as input in the 'Title of Employer or Authorized Representative' field of the 'Employer Detail' section in I-9 Section 2 when it is being completed by an Authorized Representative. 

Default Value

Authorized Representative 

Common Features for PAS, IMS, ARS, APS, and ATM

The following are the common features in Payroll Administrative System, Invoice Management System, Accounts Receivable System, Accounts Payable System, and Admin Tool Management:

Updated the Display Order of Bank Information in Alphabetical Order

The Bank account information in the following navigation are now being  displayed in Alphabetical Order:

  • PAS> Payroll Batch
  • PAS> Bank File Batch 
  • PAS> Bulk Correction 
  • PAS> Correction 
  • APS > Bill Payment
  • IMS> Correction
  • ARS> AR Batch 
  • ATM > Bank Account > Add/Edit Account > "Bank" Option

Common Features for TJM and DHM

The following are Common features in Temp Job Management and Direct Hire Management:

A Warning Exception message will be sent during the status change of Temp Jobs and Direct Hire jobs when the “Auto Update Status” option property is set as True.

When the “Auto Update Status” option is set to True at the Direct Hire Job level and Temp Job level, and a user attempts to update the status of the respective job, a Warning Exception message is sent to the user.

The exception message explains that Auto Update Status is enabled and any manual adjustment may be auto adjusted.