Recruitment Applications Common
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Recruitment Applications Common

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Recruitment Application Common Features

Following are the common features added to the Recruitment Applications:

Enhancement of Auto Update Status

This feature enhances the "Auto Update Status" functionality in Zenople by Aqore by streamlining task management for employees in "Rehire" or "Reonboard" status. It ensures that tasks are accurately updated based on the latest configurations, improving efficiency and accuracy.


  • Task Removal: When tasks are assigned and an employee is in "Rehire" or "Reonboard" status, tasks that are no longer part of the current setup will be removed:
  • Rehire: Tasks are removed based on the "Inactive to Rehire Reassign Tasks" Option Property.
  • Reonboard: Tasks in the "Paperwork" and "Review" stages will be removed.
  • Task Assignment: New tasks that are added to the setup but not yet assigned to the employee will be automatically assigned.
  • Date Tracking: The system utilizes the "RehireDays" and "ReonboardDays" Option Properties to track the dates for reassigning tasks.

Multi-Account Direct Deposit Setup

Overview and Feature Details

This feature enhances the direct deposit functionality in Zenople by Aqore, allowing users to set up multiple direct deposit accounts from a single task. Users can now allocate their earnings across up to three bank accounts with greater flexibility, ensuring accurate and efficient management of deposits.


Multiple Direct Deposit Accounts:

  • Users can set up up to three bank accounts for direct deposit in a single task.
  • The form will prefill existing direct deposit data, but only the first three accounts will be saved.

Deposit Allocation Types:

  • Percentage-Based Account: A specific percentage of earnings is deposited into this account (e.g., 50%).
  • Amount-Based Account: A fixed amount is deposited into this account (e.g., $100).
  • Remaining Amount Account: Any remaining balance after other deposits is allocated to this account.
    • There must be exactly one Remaining Amount account per user.
    • Validation ensures that the Remaining Amount account is always included and set correctly.

How to use? 

A new task named "Multiple Direct Deposit" is added in ATM > Settings > Task Template. Admins can setup this task in their standard workflow to assign this task automatically. Also, recruiters can manually assign this task from the task navigation of respective entities. 

NOTE: The task can only be manually assigned from the applications selected in the input field "Application" of the task template. 

Enhanced Reference Information in Education and Employment Forms

This feature enhances the data capture capabilities in Zenople by Aqore by adding a standardized "Reference" section to both the Education and Employment forms. This allows users to record reference information related to educational milestones and employment history, providing more precise details for future use.

Functional Enhancements

Reference Section in Education Form:

  • A new, non-mandatory "Reference" section will be added to the Education form (Resume Info > Education form).
  • The section includes the following fields:
    • Reference (Drop Down/Text - values managed from ATM > Settings > ListItem under "Reference" category)
    • Reference First Name (Text)
    • Reference Last Name (Text)
    • Phone (Text - accepts numbers and parentheses only)
    • Email (Text - accepts valid email addresses only)
    • Reference Date (Date Picker)
    • Reference Comment (Text Box)
  • This section will be available in Add/Edit education forms and the "Reference" section of the education details form.

Email Field in Employment Reference Section:

  • A new, non-mandatory "Email" field will be added to the Employment form and employment edit reference section.
  • The field accepts only valid email addresses.
  • The email address will be displayed in the Reference tab on the employment create/edit page.

Retain Reviewer Information for Reopened I-9 Tasks

This feature ensures data integrity in Zenople by Aqore by maintaining the reviewer's information when an I-9 task is reopened. This prevents overwriting of original reviewer data and provides a clear audit trail for any subsequent changes. 


Preservation of Reviewer Data: The reviewer's information remains unchanged when an I-9 task is reopened.

Notification and Data Integrity: A notification prompts office staff to add their initials and the date in the Additional Information field for any changes made during re-completion.

Representative Name Consistency: When an agent initially completes the form, and office staff later re-completes the task, the "Name of Employer or Authorized Representative" field is not changed to reflect the office staff.