Overall Common
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Overall Common

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Article summary

Overall Common

The following features have been added to overall common:

 Restriction on Sending SMS Texts to Blocked Numbers

 This feature ensures that SMS communication is restricted for blocked phone numbers. Users are unable to send SMS texts to blocked numbers, preventing unauthorized or unintended messaging and maintaining system compliance with blocking functionality.

Behavior for Blocked Numbers

  • When a user attempts to send an SMS to a blocked number, the text input field for composing messages is disabled.
  • The blocked phone number is clearly identified in the UI, preventing any confusion about its status.

System Logic

  • The system identifies blocked numbers based on their status in the database or contact management system.
  • Attempts to bypass or override this restriction are blocked at both the UI and backend levels to ensure complete enforcement.

Location of the Feature

  • This feature is applied to all areas in the system where SMS functionality is available

Options and Default Settings

  • By default, SMS sending to blocked numbers is disabled, with no option to enable it unless the number is unblocked.

 This feature safeguards communication workflows by ensuring blocked numbers cannot send or receive SMS texts. The clear indication of restrictions enhances user awareness and prevents accidental communication with blocked contacts.


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