Payroll Administrative System
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Payroll Administrative System

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Article summary

Features added to PAS:

The following features have been added to PAS:

Employee names shown in exceptions of PAS

When the 'Remaining Amount' bank type isn't configured for an employee, the exception that appears before processing a payment batch in PAS now also includes the name of the employee for which the exception has occurred. As a result, the names of employees with a missing 'Remaining Type' bank account will now be displayed in the following format:

At least one Bank of type Remaining Amount is required for “Employee Name”.

Multiple exception is displayed for individual employees in case the exception has occurred for more than one employee.

Exception added in PAS

A new exception, "Bill Amount is more than $1000. Please Verify. " Will now appear when the check amount exceeds 1000$. This exception will appear after processing a payment batch or when correction a payment batch.