Common Features
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Common Features

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Common Features added to Person Applications (ATS. NHO, and EIS)

The following are the common features that have been added to ATS, NHO, and EIS:

WOTC Eligible People Tile in NHO and EIS.

 Users now have the convenience of accessing all "WOTC Eligible" individuals directly from a Tile in the New Hire Onboarding (NHO) and Employee Information System (EIS) modules. This feature provides users with easy navigation for identifying tax credit eligibility, streamlining the process and enhancing efficiency in managing workforce tax credits.

Replaced “Start Date” and “End Date” fields in the Employment sub-navigation of Person Applications

The "Start Date" and "End Date" fields in the Employment Sub-navigation of Person Applications have been replaced. They are now substituted with separate fields for "Start Year", "Start Month", "End Year", and "End Month".

Replaced the “Middle Initial” field in the I-9 Form with the “Middle Name” field.

The "Middle Initial" field in the I-9 form has been replaced by the "Middle Name" field. Users can now input their full Middle Name in the I-9 Form.

 Added a new Task named License and Certification

We've added a new task called "License and Certification" to help you easily manage your credentials. Here's what you can do:

  • Upload documents for your licenses and certifications.
  • Add details about when they expire.
  • Have the document saved in the document navigation of the Entity under the category “License and Certification”, so it's easy to keep track of.

Allowed users to enter the ITIN number as a substitute for SSN.

The Social Security Number (SSN) field has been renamed to SSN/ITIN (Individual Taxpayer Identification Number). This allows you to enter your ITIN instead of your SSN on relevant forms, except for those used for E-Verify. This change helps people who can't get an SSN but still need to file US taxes, such as non-residents and some resident aliens.

SHPT Integration through Insight Worldwide

We have seamlessly integrated Sexual Harassment Prevention Training (SHPT) from Insight Worldwide into our system. This addition includes a new task focused on enforcing sexual harassment prevention in the workplace. The implementation of SHPT serves to educate employees on prevention techniques, recognition of inappropriate behavior, and appropriate response protocols.

Common Features in ETC:

The following are the common features available in ETC:

The “Status” dropdown field has been added for Appointments

Appointments in Zenople now feature a Status function, aimed at enhancing organizational clarity and efficiency. By default, appointments are set to "Scheduled" upon creation. Users have the flexibility to update appointment statuses to "Rescheduled," "Canceled," or "No Call / No Show," facilitating better management and communication throughout the scheduling process.

Notifications are sent if a Calendar Event is Scheduled

Users can receive Windows Push Notifications when an event is scheduled from the calendar. This feature ensures that the necessary personnel are promptly informed about the event, enhancing communication and coordination.

Common Features in the New Hire Portal and Employee Portal 

Following are the common features in the New Hire Portal and Employee Portal: 

Automatic Population of Email Address in Arvo WOTC Form 

 New Hires and Employees now experience enhanced convenience in the Arvo WOTC (formerly Clarus WOTC) form within the Employee Portal and New Hire Portal. The system now automatically populates the Email Address field with the user's email address, eliminating the need for manual entry. This feature streamlines the form submission process, enhancing user experience and efficiency.

Overall Common Features in Zenople

The following are the overall common features added in Zenople:

Common Push Notification Engine 

Zenople is now more powered by a common push notification engine for both mobile applications and web applications. Zenople has been sending a push notification in the web platform for calendar events and in the mobile application for any tasks being assigned. The process of sending push notifications has now been more streamlined with a single push notification engine for both web and mobile platforms.

Enhanced List Item Property concept for User Role and Contact Role. 

User roles and contact roles set with the list item value "Allow Multiple" as "False" won't be shown if a user or contact with that role already exists. Only once the existing User or contact is removed from the role is when the list item will be visible. 

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