Customer Manangement System (CMS)
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Customer Manangement System (CMS)

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Article summary

The features added on CMS are:

 Improvement : Employee Exclude Navigation

A "Discard" action in the form of a star icon has been added. Clicking on the 'Discard' icon will initiate the process to remove the exclusion for the employee.

After the user clicks on the "Discard" action, a confirmation message will be displayed: "Are you sure you want to discard this Employee Exclude?"

Upon selecting "Yes" in the confirmation message, the employee will be removed from the "Exclude employee" list, effectively deleting the exclusion for that employee.

'Move To Next Stage' Action added for Revenue Opportunity

A new action, 'Move To Next Stage,' is added under the 'Favourite Action' section for the 'Revenue Opportunity' internal navigation within the 'Sales & Service' Tab.

Using this feature, users can move their Sales Stage to next upcoming stage.

In the event that the revenue opportunity is already on the last stage of the workflow and the user chooses to 'Move To Next Stage,' a toaster message will be displayed to inform the user accordingly. The toaster message will state: "Already in the last stage."