Admin Tool Manangement (ATM)
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Admin Tool Manangement (ATM)

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Article summary

Features Added on ATM

The features added on ATM are:

Adding Percentage Symbol to Rate Columns

The rate columns have the '%' symbol added after the word "Rate" as an improvement.

Search options using description keywords

Users can now find the required option property in the option navigation of ATM by entering the keyword matching the description column.

Internal offices can be selected as an office type

Users can now select the internal offices as the office type which gets populated under the Office Type field in Zenople so that functionality and the settings of the office can be copied from the lower level as well.

Email profile access facilitation

Option Property ‘Email Profile Access’ under Tenant level has been created.

When Option Property ‘Email Profile Access’ is set as True, users will have access to view/use the email activities that are accessible to them and also the default email setup of the office.

When Option Property ‘Email Profile Access’ is set as False, users won’t have access to view/use the email activities of the office but can have access to the email activities that have been shared with the user.