Work Injury Management (WIM)
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Work Injury Management (WIM)

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Article summary

Features Added on WIM

The features added on WIM are:

New Field ‘OSHA Reportable’ Added in Work Injury Form

Users can view the new field ‘OSHA Reportable’ while adding/editing work injury. The dropdown in the field is YES and NO, and by default, NO is selected.

They can view the OSHA reportable records from work injury directory pages as well.

Improvement: Snapshot ‘Employee’s Information’ Tab

Users are able to see other employees’ related information in the ‘Employee’s Information’ tab in the snapshot.

Work Injury Navigation Snapshot Shows Assignment and Job Details

Users can now see the assignment and WC Code information in the Work Injury Snapshot. This way users can know the assignment for which the work injury has been claimed.

Additional details shown in the snapshot are employee contact information, employee job title, job site address, and pay rate. 

Move to Previous Stage Added in Favourite Icon of WIM

Users can now choose to move a work injury claim backward to the previous stage of the workflow. This feature is useful in case office staffs miss some tasks in the previous workflow and want to re-assign the task in the proper workflow.

Changes Regarding Incident Note and SSN Visibility in WIM

While users add new Work Injuries, the “Incident Note” section will allow up to 4000 characters. The section will get displayed in the “Snapshot” navigation of WIM. Also, the SSN of the employee will be visible in the Summary section while editing work injuries.

The “Number 1” button is to mark the section where the SSN gets shown but has been blurred for confidentiality reasons.

Email is sent when work injury is created

When a work injury is created, WC Admin will be notified via email.