Login/ Registration Page
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Login/ Registration Page

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Features Added on Login/Registration Page

The features added on Login/Registration are:

Revamp: User’s Login

When new users register in Zenople, they had to wait for 15 seconds to be redirected to the applicant portal. Now, users can skip it by clicking on the ‘Click here to proceed’ action and skipping the below message.

Also, after the first login users are forced to reset their password immediately. If they try to re-login, they will be redirected to the update password page instantly.

Improvement: Registration Page

Users are able to view office-related information after they select the office. This is a non-editable field.

Duplicate SSN message has been updated

When a duplicate SSN is entered verbiage has been updated to ‘Your SSN already exists in our system. Please contact our office above’ message.

Improvement: Sign up/ Register Email

Contact Info and Address of the respective office have been added to an email that is sent out from the office after applying and submitting tasks by people.

Improvement: Preferred Name Field Added

The preferred Name field has been added to the Login or Registration Page which allows users to add a nickname or another name besides a legal name. It is not a mandatory field.

Improvement: Resume Name Reflected After Uploading

The name of the Resume will be reflected once users upload a resume.

Improvement: Sign up in Spanish Language Added

Sign-up verbiage has been added to the login and registration page in Spanish and it will be displayed both in Spanish and English Language.

Moreover, users can change the language as per their preference on the sign-up or registration page by clicking on the language selection option.

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