Employee Information System (EIS)
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Employee Information System (EIS)

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Article summary

Features added to Employee Information System (EIS)

The following updates have been done to the EIS module:

Compliance with PTO law 2024 for IL

To ensure compliance with IL regulations and provide a robust PTO accrual system, the following enhancements have been implemented:

Accrual Limits:

The system allows an employee to accrue a maximum of 40 hours of PTO in 12 months.

Accrual Start Date:

PTO accrual starts from either the job commencement date or 1st January 2023, whichever comes later.

In case of a job site address change to IL, the job commencement date for accrual calculation is considered the job site address change date.

Accrual Rate:

The system permits an employee to accrue 1 hour of PTO after completing 40 work hours.

Hour Rounding:

Worked hours are rounded off to the next multiple of 15 minutes to calculate the accrued PTO.

Added “W2 Non-Consent” tile in Employee Tiles of EIS

The “W2 Non Consent” tile has been added to the Employee Tiles of EIS. This feature enables users to selectively filter out employees who have not given consent for Electronic W2, providing a streamlined and efficient way to manage and track consent status.

Users can access the “W2 Non-Consent” tile by clicking on the vertical ellipses of the employee tiles in EIS. This intuitive addition places the "W2 Non-Consent" tile conveniently in the list, offering users a seamless way to select and engage with it effortlessly.

A new tile named Tax Exempt has been added to EIS

A new feature has been introduced in EIS, presenting users with a distinct "Tax Exempt" tile. This addition empowers users to effortlessly filter employees who are exempt from FIT (Federal Income Tax) and SIT (State Income Tax).