Applicant Tracking System (ATS)
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Applicant Tracking System (ATS)

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Article summary

Features Added on ATS

The Features Added to ATS are: 

Applicant Turnover by Recruiter Bar Chart Implemented

This bar chart has been implemented in the dashboard of ATS. It will display the ‘ATS-NHO’ count and ‘ATS-EIS’ count on a recruiter level. 

  • ATS-NHO: It will display the count of employees that have been moved from the ATS application to the NHO application
  • ATS-EIS: It will display the count of employees that have been moved from the ATS application to the EIS application.

Users can view the productivity bar chart based on various filters such as ‘This Week,’ ‘Last 7 Days,’ ‘Last Week,’ and so on.

Users can manage access to these tiles from the ‘Tile’ under Settings main navigation of the ATM application.

Applicant Timeline by Company Bar Chart Implemented

The applicant timeline by company bar chart has been implemented in the dashboard of ATS which represents the average number of days a company takes to move an applicant to a new hire.

 Users can view the timeline bar chart based on various filters such as ‘This Week,’ ‘Last 7 Days,’ ‘Last Week,’ and so on.

Snapshot Navigation Added 

Snapshot navigation has been added which displays the summarized information of an applicant. It displays summarized information added through different navigations available in the applicant detail. 

Custom Side Navigation Added

Custom side navigation has been added under the Hiring Info top navigation in ATS. This navigation allows users to add, edit, delete or refresh the Custom information of an employee from the Favorite Action.

The Custom field can be customized upon user request.