Invoice Management System (IMS)
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Invoice Management System (IMS)

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Article summary

Features Added on IMS

The features added on IMS are:

Discard Action Added for Posted Invoice Correction Batch

Discard action has been added in the vertical ellipsis button for posted Invoice Correction which is similar to the ‘Discard’ action for Payment Correction. This feature can be used only for an open accounting period. This feature is handled by an Option property that can be set up from ATM.

How to Use This Feature

  • Go to Option main navigation of ATM and choose 'DiscardInvoiceCorrection’ under person entity and edit it.

  • Choose the value ‘True’ and checkmark the user to implement the access as required and Save.

  • Now, the user having access to the Option property ’DiscardInvoiceCorrection’ will be able to discard the Invoice Correction of an Open Accounting Period.
  • Click on the vertical ellipsis button of the Invoice Correction and click ‘Discard’ to discard the correction.

Improvement: 'Corrected Invoice Number' Displayed Instead of 'Correction for Invoice Id' 

When a user processes the Invoice Correction Batch, ‘Corrected Invoice Number’ will be displayed in the 'Note' grid instead of 'Correction For Invoice Id.'