Job Schedule Management (JSM)
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Job Schedule Management (JSM)

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Article summary

Job Schedule Management

The following are the features added to Job Schedule Management:

Improved Navigation actions in JSM directory.

The following changes have been incorporated in the JSM directory:

  • Job Position has been made bold in the Grid-View.
  • Users can navigate to the Schedule Job detail page on clicking the Job-Position from Grid View.
  • Customer Eye-View has been included in both Grid View as well as Card View.

Quick Find

Users will now be able to access a easy way to quickly find employees through the Quick Find options. The Search and Match tab in the “Assign” navigation has been enhanced with a new toggle to enable and disable Quick Find. Quick Find only searches for person based on their Name, SSN, Contact Information, Phone Number and Email Address, while making it an optimized process.

Enhancement of Worked Before

The JSM Worked before has been enhanced with more data options as well as data filtration options. A dropdown is made available with the following options:

  • This Job Order: Lists down employees who has worked before in the specific Job Order.
  • This Job Position: Lists down employees who has worked before in the specific Job Position of that Job.  
  • This Customer: Lists down employees who has worked before in the specific Customer.
  • This Customer and Job Position: Lists down employees who has worked before in the specific Customer as well as Job Position.

Likewise, a check box is also included that initiates time-based filtration. When the checkbox is checked, data from Anytime is displayed. If the checkbox is not checked the two date picker fields are enabled, they are used to define the From and To date based on which data will be shown on the tab.

Added discard action in Shortlist and Job Candidate tabs.

The Discard favorite actions have been made available in the Shortlist and Job Candidate tabs. With this addition the Active/All toggle is also made available in the provided tabs. 

Warning Exception for Auto Update Status for scheduled jobs

Users will now receive a warning message when attempting to manually update the status of Job Schedules if the "Auto Update Status" option is enabled. The status update functionality has been enhanced with a warning exception to prevent conflicts between manual and automatic status updates. The warning exception displays the following message: "Auto Update Status is enabled, any manual changes on status may be auto-adjusted," whenever a manual status update is attempted while the auto-update feature is active.

Added Refresh Action

A new action “refresh” is added throughout the JSM application for manual data update. The Refresh action is also added for Assign navigation.

Enhanced Daily Transactions Copying in TMS

When copying daily transactions, users will now be able to see the transaction type to identify whether the transaction belongs to Temp Job or Scheduled Job. If the user selects both type of transactions in a batch to copy, the system will first initiate the process of copying transactions for temp job, then for scheduled job. 

Enhanced JSM Snapshot

Users can now view Job Description and Job Note in the Scheduled Job Snapshot, making it easier to identify these details. This enhancement allows users to view comprehensive job information directly within the snapshot, providing better clarity and aiding in quicker identification of job specifics.










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