Employee Information System
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Employee Information System

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Article summary

Features added to EIS:

The following features have been added to Employee Information System (EIS).

[17895] Added Assignment Schedule Details in Employee Snapshot.

Users will now be able to access two new sections in the Employee Snapshot. The sections are:

  • Assignment Schedule as of today. 
  • Next five Assignment Schedules. 

These new snapshot sections will provide the required JSM-related overview in EIS.

“Total Worked Hours” column added to EIS directory

“Total Worked Hours” column has been added to EIS (Employee Information System) directory which shows the total number hours worked by an employee regardless of customer.

“Source” column added to Employee directory

“Source” column can now be seen in Employee directory of EIS module. Source column gives the data of the Source through which an Employee has been registered to Zenople. There are 6 sources of an applicant in Zenople and they are as follows:

  • Manual- Added manually from EIS module by a user.
  • Zenople Job Portal- Employees hired from Zenople Job Portal
  • Import- Applicants Imported from Import navigation of EIS module
  • Resume Import- Applicants Imported from resumes in Resume Import navigation of EIS module
  • Migration- Employees created during data migration into Zenople
  • Registration- Employees who have registered themselves in Zenople