Reports Management System (RMS)
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Reports Management System (RMS)

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Article summary

Features Added on RMS

The features added on RMS are:

Deduction by Agency Paginated Report Implemented

Deduction by Agency paginated report has been implemented. This report displays deduction details with an Employee Id, Employee Name, Masked SSN, Full Address, Gross Amount, and Deduction Amount.

 The parameters of this report are:

  • Date Type: Accounting Period and Check Date (Required field)
  • Start Date and End Date (Required field)
  • Company
  • Office
  • Agency

Direct Deposit Detail Spreadsheet Report Implemented

Direct Deposit Detail spreadsheet report has been implemented. This report shows the detailed records of payment with the bank file type.

The parameters for this report are:

  • Check Date From (Required field)
  • Check Date To (Required field)
  • Bank File Type (Optional field)
  • Company (Optional field)

Staff Activity Paginated Report Implemented

Staff Activity paginated report has been implemented that displays detailed activities of a recruiter individually including various tables and graphs.

The parameters for this report are:

  • Start Date and End Date (Required field)
  • Recruiter (Required field & Multiselect available)
  • Show in Summary (Required Field)- When its value is 'True' it will display the report in summarized level whereas when its value is 'False' it will display the report in detailed level.

Staff Activity Bar Graph

Comment Types and Task Count

Detailed Task and Comment Details

The overall summarized job count and job detailed information will be displayed on a customer level.

The overall summarized assignment count and assignment detailed information will be displayed on a customer level.

The payroll details will be displayed as,

Task List Spreadsheet Report Implemented

Task List Spreadsheet report has been implemented. This report displays task list details with Task Name, Task Assigned Person, and Task Completion Date.

The parameters of this report are:

  • Task Insert Date From (Required field)
  • Task Insert Date To (Required field)
  • Relates To (Required field)
  • Relates to Name
  • Company
  • Office
  • Task Template
  • Task Status

Transaction Item by Category Spreadsheet Report Implemented

Transaction Item by Category Spreadsheet report has been implemented that displays Transaction Item details along with Pay Code category for specific accounting periods.

The parameters for this report are:

  • Accounting Period Date From (Required field)
  • Accounting Period Date To (Required field)
  • Company (Optional field)
  • Office (Optional field)
  • Pay Code Category (Optional field & Multiselect available)

Weekly Sales YTD Bill Spreadsheet Report Implemented

Weekly Sales YTD Bill spreadsheet report has been implemented that shows the weekly sales year-to-date bill on a summary as well as detail level. It shows the weekly bill of the year provided including the weekly bill of two previous consecutive years. 

The parameters for this report are:

  • Year (Required field)
  • Date Type (Required field)
  • Company (Optional field)
  • Office (Optional field)

Improvement: Comment Spreadsheet Report

The ‘Contact’ option has been added in the dropdown option of the ‘Relates To’ parameter of the Comment spreadsheet report.

This report will display Comment details that relate to the Contact.

Improvement: Employee Wage Statement Paginated Report

Users can enter SSN as required and run the report without entering the date parameters. Previously, the parameters 'Start Date’ and ‘End Date’ were required fields.

Improvement: Remaining Balance on Invoice Report

Previously, the remaining balance wasn’t shown on the invoice when a customer paid a portion of an invoice. Now, Office Staff can see the remaining balance that the Customer needs to pay in the Invoice. Changes have been applied to all the basic Invoice designs as listed below:

  • Invoice Report
  • Invoice with Job Position Report
  • Invoice with Markup Report
  • Invoice with Markup and Payrate
  • Invoice Daily Report

Improvement: Missing Time Card Spreadsheet Report

‘State Code’ and 'City’ columns have been removed from the report and the new column ‘Worksite Address’ that displays the full work site address has been added.

Improvement: Report Builder Work injury

‘Paid’ columns have been added in the Work Injury Report Template of the Report Builder. This has been implemented for both detail and summary report builder report types.

Improvement: Tax Summary Paginated Report

‘EE Count’ column has been added in the Tax Summary paginated report which displays employee count for the related taxes.