Login/ Registration Page
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Login/ Registration Page

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Features Added on Login/ Registration Page

The Features Added on Login/ Registration Page are:

Language Selection Option on Pre-screening Page Updated

Users can select a language at the pre-screening page and move forward with the application after signing up. The forms will be displayed as per the language selected either in English or Spanish. 

Improvement: Language Selection Option Shifted

The language selection option has been shifted to the top of the page on the sign-up page. Users can easily select the language and other fields will be populated accordingly. 

Improvement in Sign up and Forgot Password

‘Sign Up' and ‘Forgot Password’ have been modified and these appear bigger and more vibrant.

Improvement in Display Message

Previously when users used to register, they would receive a message saying ‘Email and password have been sent to the email address you have provided.’ But now the scenario is different as we have the option to select an email or phone number while registering. So, the verbiage of the message has been changed and it will be displayed as:

‘Email and password have been sent to the contact information you have provided’

Registration Page: Design Revamp

The design of the Registration Page has been enhanced and it appears as,

Improvement: Confirmation Page 

An additional question asking for the consent of the applicant to be contacted via text or voice message on their mobile number by the employer has been added. However, the applicants will be allowed to opt-out at any given point in time.

 ’I understand (company name) may contact me via text or voice messages on the mobile cell number I provided, and I may opt-out at any time. ‘ 

Improvement: Display Message as per the Language Selected

Login or Registration Page features a language selection option of English or Spanish. Users will receive a thank you message for registering as per the language selected along with their login credentials.