Admin Tool Management (ATM)
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Admin Tool Management (ATM)

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Article summary

Features Added on ATM 

The Features Added on ATM are:

Severe Exception Implemented

When the user tries to close an Accounting Period under which the AR batch is still open, then a severe exception saying ‘AR batch is still open for this Accounting Period’  will be displayed.

Improvements: Access Action of Various Navigations

The default office was disabled in the ATM navigations where the access could be provided to Office Staff, Office, Skill, Navigation, Workflow, Report, Exception, Task Template, Form, Tile, Group, Agency, Culture, Sales Tax, WC Code, Pay Code, Deduction, Contribution, and Accrual.

But now, the users will be able to edit the access to all the offices irrespective of the default office.

Improvement: Accrual Columns Rearranged

Users can view the re-arranged columns while adding/ editing accruals. ‘Available Unit’ type has been moved in place of ‘Available Trigger’ and vice versa.