Temp Job Management (TJM)
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Temp Job Management (TJM)

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Article summary

Features Added on TJM

The features added on TJM are:

Job Note and Description Implemented

Note and Description fields have been implemented while adding/editing jobs.

  • The job description will be displayed on the Snapshot top navigation under the Temp Job section.

Eye View on Candidate Top Navigation 

Eye view has been implemented on the Candidate top navigation of the Temp Job detail. This feature allows the user to go to the employee detail of the one who is added as a candidate.

Eye view will allow the users to view and update details like 'Task,' 'Resume Info,' 'Comment,' 'Contact Info,' 'Hiring Info,' 'Documents' from the employee’s detail.

View Assignment Report Action Implemented

View Assignment Report action has been added on the temp job detail favorite action and Assignment top navigation which will allow users to view the Starsheet report. Users will be able to view the assignment details of the related temp job.  

Temp Job Detail

Assignment Top Navigation of Temp Job Detail

Screening Question and Resume Options Implemented

Earlier while the applicants applied for the job through third-party 'Indeed Job,' resume was mandatory but now the company can set up the resume options as Required, Optional or Hidden. In the case of the 'Optional' or 'Hidden' feature for resume upload, the company needs to add screening questions. While adding it, ID, questions, answer values should be set up accordingly.

  • Go to Job Posting top navigation of the Temp Job's detail and click on Settings from the Favorite icon

  • Here you can see that the job postings are for Indeed ,click on the Next button

  • Expand the indeed field details

  • Choose the options as required from the dropdown i.e., Required, Optional or Hidden.

  • If 'Required' is selected for resume, then the screening questions do not need to be added but in the case of Hidden or Optional resume, screening questions need to be added.
  • Click on Add icon to add the screening questions, enter the questions as required, select the data type for the answers.

Data types available in the dropdowns are:

  • Integer: Number/Digits, Date
  • Decimal: Numbers in decimals
  •  Money: monetary value
  • Text: General text
  • Select: This option will enable the user to add the options to be selected for the questions

  • Now, set up the required value for the answer that is True determining mandatory to be answered and False for optional

  • Click on Save and post jobs
  • Now, while applying for the job, the applicant may or may not upload the resume and in case of no resume upload, the applicant will have to answer the screening questions based on their data type.

 'Candidate' Column Implemented

A new column 'Candidate' has been added to the directory of Temp Job which displays the number of active candidates for the particular Temp Job.

Auto-Update Job Status Implemented

This feature is handled from the ATM. The new option property 'AutoUpdateStatus' has been implemented that allows the user to auto-update the job status. By default, the value of the option property is 'False.'

  • Click on Option main navigation, select the 'AutoUpdateStatus' property under company entity, and edit it.

  • Choose the default value for auto-update job status from the dropdown and checkmark the offices that need to have access to this setup and Save it.

  • Changes will be reflected in headline info section of the Temp Job detail.

If the value is set to 'True' in the option property,

  • The status of the Temp Job will be changed to Filled:  if the status of the Assignment is active and required positions are filled. 
  • The status of the Temp Job will stay Filled: if there are current Active assignments even though some of the Assignment is completed.
  • The status of the temp job will be changed to completed: if the status is filled and there are no current assignments (assignments are ended). 
  • In assignment navigation, at first, users can see the job status as active. Users can see the number of employees required for the job as below,

  • Click on Add button and assign a job to the required person. As the users have assigned 3 required employees to the job, its status gets updated to ‘Filled.’

  • As soon as the employee completes the assigned job, the status changes to 'Completed.'