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About Customer Management System (CMS)

Customer Management System (CMS) application manages the detailed information of all the customers and their contacts. New clients who have completed all the required setups and orientation fall under this application.

Customer Management System (CMS) Flow

The first process for the customer starts from tracking a lead from various sources, analyzing and qualifying them from LTS ('Lead Tracking System'), and moving them to SPM ('Sales Pipeline Management'). In the SPM application, they are proposed with various proposals, negotiations and their credits are analyzed accordingly before having them as a new client in NCO ('New Customer Onboarding'). The new clients then undergo various setups, official paper works and orientations to finally become a customer and will be displayed in the CMS application.

  Note: As per an organization's requirement, a customer can be directly added from CMS without following the whole workflow of the customer from LTS-CMS.