Admin Tool Management (ATM)
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Admin Tool Management (ATM)

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Article summary

Features Added on ATM

The features added on ATM are:

New Option Property for “Stop Deducting Local Tax” has been Added

‘StopProcessingLocalTax’ has been added in the ATM option property for users to decide if they want to deduct the local taxes during the payroll or not. An Option property has been added at the Company level, where users can implement the option state-wise.


The Default Value for the State field is blank.


Option Property for Export Control has been Added

Users can now select whom to grant access to Excel Export files in the directory pages. Through the Option property, users can choose to show or hide the excel icon on directory pages.


Option property has been set in person level in ATM application as ‘DirectoryExcelExport.’ By default, users can view the excel sheet in directory pages.


Option Property Default Status in Job Option has been Added

Users can select a new option property “Default Status” in the Office level of ATM. This way, they can set up the default status of the job while creating them from respective applications. 


Option Property to view discarded document has been Added

Users can no longer see the documents with the status “Discarded” using the “All” toggle in the Document top navigation of the Customer/Employee/Applicant detail page.

Option property at the tenant level has been added to show/hide the discarded documents in ATM. The default value is TRUE (show the discarded documents).UserStory35435

Option Property has been added for the Payroll email date option

Users can now select a new option property, “payrollEmailDateOption” under the Tenant Entity option. Users can view emails in the employee portal using PostDate or CheckDate. If they choose "PostDate" as the default value, they will see the email per the payroll Postdate, but if "CheckDate" is chosen as the default value, they will see the payroll post per that date.UserStory35449

The AllowRegistration Option to not Hinder Users through the Job Portal

The ATM option property “AllowRegistration” allows users to give or restrict the SignUp option for the selected company. However, the signup option is available if an applicant chooses to go through the Job Portal. 
